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Version of 22.12.2024. Last major change:
Nr. Dataset Item Description Type Min Max Unknown Start End Export Export
1 patient P_Data_source pDataSource Data source marker ordinal / choice_radio 0 = mnds, 1 = b, 2 = bExtra 2000 3000 no
2 patient __P_kp_PatientID pKpPatientid DB primary key integer 1 0 2000 3000 yes 5
3 patient P_Neo_Dataset pNeoDataset Describes dataset ("mnds", "asp", "fu1", etc.) text / choice_radio 2000 3000 no
4 patient P_SNNID pSnnid SNN-ID (leave empty if new dataset!) text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 10
5 patient P_MNDS_type pMndsType MNDS type ordinal / choice_radio 1 4 2000 2016 no
6 patient P_Informed_consent pInformedConsent Informed consent given ordinal / choice_radio 1 4 2015 3000 yes 15
7 patient P_Date_of_birth pDateOfBirth Date of birth date 0 0 2000 3000 yes 20
8 patient P_Month_of_birth pMonthOfBirth Month of birth integer 1 12 2000 3000 yes 20
9 patient P_Center_Nr pCenterNr Preset center nr text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 22
10 patient P_Register pRegister Register ordinal / choice_radio 1 = mnds, 2 = asp, 3 = mndsb34, 4 = orchid 2000 3000 yes 22
11 patient P_Center_Nr_anonym pCenterNrAnonym Encrypted center number integer 1 15 2000 3000 yes 23
12 patient P_Outcome_study pOutcomeStudy Study group selector boolean 0 = no, 1 = yes 2000 3000 no
13 patient P_Year_of_birth pYearOfBirth Year of birth integer 2000 2030 2000 3000 yes 25
14 patient P_MNDS_exclude pMndsExclude Exclude from overnight evaluation boolean 0 = no, 1 = yes 2000 3000 yes 32
15 patient P_Asp_Exclude pAspExclude Exclude from evaluation boolean 0 = no, 1 = yes 2011 3000 no
16 patient P_Patient_no pPatientNo Patient number text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 35
17 patient P_Ahv_Number pAhvNumber AHV Number (Orchid registry only) regex / text_field 999.9999.9999.99 2019 3000 no
18 patient P_Day_of_admission pDayOfAdmission Day of admission integer 1 365 999 2000 3000 yes 50
19 patient P_Place_of_birth pPlaceOfBirth Place of birth text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 51
20 patient P_Time_of_birth pTimeOfBirth Time at birth (only ASP) time 0 23 2012 3000 yes 52
21 patient P_Birth_location pBirthLocation Birth location ordinal / choice_radio 1 = inborn, 2 = outborn 2001 3000 yes 55
22 patient P_Study pStudy RCT study coding ordinal / choice_radio 1 = epo, 2 = albino, 3 = copca, 4 = music 2000 3000 yes 56
23 patient P_FUx_Location pFuxLocation text / choice_select 3000 no
24 patient P_GA_weeks pGaWeeks Weeks of gestation integer 22 42 2000 3000 yes 60
25 patient P_GA_days pGaDays Days after weeks integer 0 6 2000 3000 yes 65
26 patient P_Birth_weight pBirthWeight Birth weight in g integer 100 8000 2000 3000 yes 70
27 patient P_Sex pSex Sex ordinal / choice_radio 1 2 9 2000 3000 yes 71
28 patient P_Died_in_del pDiedInDel ordinal / choice_radio 3000 no
29 patient P_Number_of_infants pNumberOfInfants Number of infants in this birth integer 1 6 2000 3000 yes 75
30 patient P_Rank pRank Order of births text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 80
31 patient P_Hospital_ID pHospitalId Preset hospital ID text / choice_select 2000 3000 yes 81
32 patient P_Identifier_mother pIdentifierMother ID text/number for mother dataset (not in use) text / text_field 2020 3000 no
33 patient P_FU1_location pFu1Location Location of follow-up 1 text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 85
34 patient P_FU2_location pFu2Location Location of follow-up 2 text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 90
35 patient P_FU5_location pFu5Location Location of follow-up 5 text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 95
36 patient P_FU1_performed pFu1Performed Follow-up 1 has taken place boolean 0 = no, 1 = yes 2000 3000 yes 100
37 patient P_FU2_performed pFu2Performed Follow-up 2 has taken place boolean 0 = no, 1 = yes 2000 3000 yes 105
38 patient P_SDQ_performed pSdqPerformed SDQ has taken place boolean 0 = no, 1 = yes 2000 3000 no
39 patient P_FU5_performed pFu5Performed Follow-up 5 has taken place boolean 0 = no, 1 = yes 2000 3000 yes 110
40 patient P_FUp_performed pFupPerformed Parental form filled in boolean 0 = no, 1 = yes 2000 3000 no
41 patient F_FU1_status pFu1Status Recruitment status text / text_field 2000 3000 no
42 patient F_FU2_status pFu2Status Recruitment status text / text_field 2000 3000 no
43 patient F_FU5_status pFu5Status Recruitment status text / text_field 2000 3000 no
44 patient P_SGA pSga Birth weight < 10th percentile (Voigt 2006) boolean 0 = no, 1 = yes 2000 3000 yes 115
45 patient P_Bw_Zscore pBwZscore Birth weight z-score (Voigt 2006) decimal -6 6 2000 3000 yes 115
46 patient P_Died pDied Child died at any time boolean 0 = no, 1 = yes 2000 3000 yes 116
47 patient SES_Score_total sesScoreTotal Total of all available SES scores integer 2 12 2000 3000 yes 139
48 patient P_DS_duplicate pDsDuplicate Original kP integer 2000 3000 yes 615
49 patient P_DS_lockdate pDsLockdate date 3000 no
50 sdq __SDQ_kp_ID sdqKpId integer 0 0 3000 no
51 sdq SDQ_Owner sdqOwner text / text_field 3000 no
52 sdq SDQ_1_considerate sdq1Considerate integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5210
53 sdq SDQ_2_restless sdq2Restless integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5215
54 sdq SDQ_3_sickness sdq3Sickness integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5220
55 sdq SDQ_4_shares sdq4Shares integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5225
56 sdq SDQ_5_tantrums sdq5Tantrums integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5230
57 sdq SDQ_6_solitary sdq6Solitary integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5235
58 sdq SDQ_7_obedient sdq7Obedient integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5240
59 sdq SDQ_8_worries sdq8Worries integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5245
60 sdq SDQ_9_helpful sdq9Helpful decimal / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5250
61 sdq SDQ_10_fidgeting sdq10Fidgeting integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5255
62 sdq SDQ_11_friend sdq11Friend integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5260
63 sdq SDQ_12_fights sdq12Fights integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5265
64 sdq SDQ_13_unhappy sdq13Unhappy integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5270
65 sdq SDQ_14_liked sdq14Liked integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5275
66 sdq SDQ_15_distracted sdq15Distracted integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5280
67 sdq SDQ_16_nervous sdq16Nervous integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5285
68 sdq SDQ_17_kind sdq17Kind integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5290
69 sdq SDQ_18_lies sdq18Lies integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5295
70 sdq SDQ_19_bullied sdq19Bullied integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5300
71 sdq SDQ_20_volunteers sdq20Volunteers integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5305
72 sdq SDQ_21_thinks sdq21Thinks integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5310
73 sdq SDQ_22_steals sdq22Steals integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5315
74 sdq SDQ_23_adults sdq23Adults integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5320
75 sdq SDQ_24_fears sdq24Fears integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5325
76 sdq SDQ_25_attention sdq25Attention integer / choice_radio 0 2 9 3000 yes 5330
77 sdq SDQ_Date sdqDate date 0 2 9 3000 yes 5335
78 sdq SDQ_Age sdqAge Corrected age at SDQ decimal 0 80 3000 yes 5336
79 sdq SDQ_Completed_by sdqCompletedBy integer / choice_radio 0 2 3000 yes 5340
80 sdq SDQ_Completed_by_specific sdqCompletedBySpecific text / text_field 3000 yes 5341
81 sdq SDQ_Total_score sdqTotalScore SDQ Total scale integer 0 10 3000 yes 5341
82 sdq SDQ_Prosocial_behaviour_scale sdqProsocialBehaviourScale SDQ Prosocial behavior scale integer 0 10 3000 yes 5341
83 sdq SDQ_Emotional_symptoms_scale sdqEmotionalSymptomsScale SDQ Emotional symptoms scale integer 0 10 3000 yes 5341
84 sdq SDQ_Conduct_problems_scale sdqConductProblemsScale SDQ Conduct problems scale integer 0 10 3000 yes 5341
85 sdq SDQ_Hyperactivity_scale sdqHyperactivityScale SDQ Hyperactivity scale integer 0 10 3000 yes 5341
86 sdq SDQ_Peer_problems_scale sdqPeerProblemsScale SDQ Peer problems scale integer 0 10 3000 yes 5341
87 sdq SDQ_DS_status sdqDsStatus decimal 0 0 3000 no
88 sdq SDQ_Errors sdqErrors integer 0 0 3000 no
89 sdq SDQ_Error_report sdqErrorReport text / text_field 3000 no
90 sdq SDQ_Errorlist_ignore sdqErrorlistIgnore decimal 0 0 3000 no
91 sdq SDQ_DS_generated sdqDsGenerated date 0 0 3000 no
92 sdq SDQ_Last_change sdqLastChange date 0 0 3000 no
93 sdq SDQ_ID sdqId text / text_field 3000 no
94 sdq SDQ_Comments sdqComments text / text_area 3000 yes 5385
95 sdq SDQ_Email sdqEmail text / text_field 3000 yes 5390
96 sdq SDQ_DS_lockdate sdqDsLockdate date 0 0 3000 no
97 sdq _SDQ_kf_PatientID sdqKfPatientid integer 0 0 3000 no