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Version of 22.12.2024. Last major change:
Nr. Dataset Item Description Type Min Max Unknown Start End Export Export
1 patient P_Data_source pDataSource Data source marker ordinal / choice_radio 0 2 2000 3000 no
2 patient __P_kp_PatientID pKpPatientid DB primary key integer 1 0 2000 3000 yes 5
3 patient P_Neo_Dataset pNeoDataset Describes dataset ("mnds", "asp", "fu1", etc.) text / choice_radio 2000 3000 no
4 patient P_SNNID pSnnid SNN-ID (leave empty if new dataset!) text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 10
5 patient P_MNDS_type pMndsType MNDS type ordinal / choice_radio 1 4 2000 2016 no
6 patient P_Informed_consent pInformedConsent Informed consent given ordinal / choice_radio 1 4 2015 3000 yes 15
7 patient P_Date_of_birth pDateOfBirth Date of birth date 0 0 2000 3000 yes 20
8 patient P_Month_of_birth pMonthOfBirth Month of birth integer 1 12 2000 3000 yes 20
9 patient P_Center_Nr pCenterNr Preset center nr text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 22
10 patient P_Register pRegister Register ordinal / choice_radio 1 4 2000 3000 yes 22
11 patient P_Center_Nr_anonym pCenterNrAnonym Encrypted center number integer 1 15 2000 3000 yes 23
12 patient P_Outcome_study pOutcomeStudy Study group selector boolean 0 1 2000 3000 no
13 patient P_Year_of_birth pYearOfBirth Year of birth integer 2000 2030 2000 3000 yes 25
14 patient P_MNDS_exclude pMndsExclude Exclude from overnight evaluation boolean 0 1 2000 3000 yes 32
15 patient P_Asp_Exclude pAspExclude Exclude from evaluation boolean 0 1 2011 3000 no
16 patient P_Patient_no pPatientNo Patient number text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 35
17 patient P_Ahv_Number pAhvNumber AHV Number (Orchid registry only) regex / text_field 999.9999.9999.99 2019 3000 no
18 patient P_Day_of_admission pDayOfAdmission Day of admission integer 1 365 999 2000 3000 yes 50
19 patient P_Place_of_birth pPlaceOfBirth Place of birth text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 51
20 patient P_Time_of_birth pTimeOfBirth Time at birth (only ASP) time 0 23 2012 3000 yes 52
21 patient P_Birth_location pBirthLocation Birth location ordinal / choice_radio 1 2 9 2001 3000 yes 55
22 patient P_Study pStudy RCT study coding ordinal / choice_radio 1 2 2000 3000 yes 56
23 patient P_FUx_Location pFuxLocation text / choice_select 3000 no
24 patient P_GA_weeks pGaWeeks Weeks of gestation integer 22 42 2000 3000 yes 60
25 patient P_GA_days pGaDays Days after weeks integer 0 6 2000 3000 yes 65
26 patient P_Birth_weight pBirthWeight Birth weight in g integer 100 8000 2000 3000 yes 70
27 patient P_Sex pSex Sex ordinal / choice_radio 1 2 9 2000 3000 yes 71
28 patient P_Died_in_del pDiedInDel ordinal / choice_radio 3000 no
29 patient P_Number_of_infants pNumberOfInfants Number of infants in this birth integer 1 6 2000 3000 yes 75
30 patient P_Rank pRank Order of births text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 80
31 patient P_Hospital_ID pHospitalId Preset hospital ID text / choice_select 2000 3000 yes 81
32 patient P_Identifier_mother pIdentifierMother ID text/number for mother dataset (not in use) text / text_field 2020 3000 no
33 patient P_FU1_location pFu1Location Location of follow-up 1 text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 85
34 patient P_FU2_location pFu2Location Location of follow-up 2 text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 90
35 patient P_FU5_location pFu5Location Location of follow-up 5 text / text_field 2000 3000 yes 95
36 patient P_FU1_performed pFu1Performed Follow-up 1 has taken place boolean 0 1 2000 3000 yes 100
37 patient P_FU2_performed pFu2Performed Follow-up 2 has taken place boolean 0 1 2000 3000 yes 105
38 patient P_FU5_performed pFu5Performed Follow-up 5 has taken place boolean 0 1 2000 3000 yes 110
39 patient P_SDQ_performed pSdqPerformed SDQ has taken place boolean 0 1 2000 3000 no
40 patient P_FUp_performed pFupPerformed Parental form filled in boolean 0 1 2000 3000 no
41 patient F_FU1_status pFu1Status Recruitment status text / text_field 2000 3000 no
42 patient F_FU2_status pFu2Status Recruitment status text / text_field 2000 3000 no
43 patient F_FU5_status pFu5Status Recruitment status text / text_field 2000 3000 no
44 patient P_Bw_Zscore pBwZscore Birth weight z-score (Voigt 2006) decimal -6 6 2000 3000 yes 115
45 patient P_SGA pSga Birth weight < 10th percentile (Voigt 2006) boolean 0 1 2000 3000 yes 115
46 patient P_Died pDied Child died at any time boolean 0 1 2000 3000 yes 116
47 patient SES_Score_total sesScoreTotal Total of all available SES scores integer 2 12 2000 3000 yes 139
48 patient P_DS_duplicate pDsDuplicate Original kP integer 2000 3000 yes 615
49 patient P_DS_lockdate pDsLockdate date 3000 no
50 os3 O_S3_Email oS3Email E-mail of sender text / text_field 2019 3000 no
51 os3 O_S3_Comments oS3Comments Comments to Orchid data entry text / text_area 2019 3000 yes 1653
52 os3 O_S3_Pre_Admission_date oS3PreAdmissionDate Date of admission (if informed consent available) date 9 2019 3000 yes 1654
53 os3 O_S3_Pre_Admission_age oS3PreAdmissionAge Age at admission (in days) decimal / integer 0 9000 9999 2019 3000 yes 1656
54 os3 O_S3_Pre_Redo oS3PreRedo Repetition of previous surgery? boolean / choice_radio 9 2019 3000 yes 1658
55 os3 O_S3_Pre_Redo_count oS3PreRedoCount How many redo surgeries were done? integer 1 20 99 2019 3000 yes 1660
56 os3 O_S3_Pre_Redo_hlm oS3PreRedoHlm Was a heart-lung machine used? boolean / choice_radio 9 2019 3000 yes 1662
57 os3 O_S3_Pre_Redo_hlm_count oS3PreRedoHlmCount How many redo surgeries with a heart-lung machine were done? integer 1 20 99 2019 3000 yes 1664
58 os3 O_S3_Pre_Redo_no_hlm oS3PreRedoNoHlm Redo surgery without heart-lung machines? boolean / choice_radio 9 2019 3000 yes 1666
59 os3 O_S3_Pre_Redo_no_hlm_count oS3PreRedoNoHlmCount How many redo surgeries without a heart-lung machine were done? integer 1 20 99 2019 3000 yes 1668
60 os3 O_S3_Pre_Redo_hc oS3PreRedoHc Heart catheter used until discharge boolean / choice_radio 9 2019 3000 yes 1670
61 os3 O_S3_Pre_Redo_hc_count oS3PreRedoHcCount How many times was a heart catheter used until discharge integer 1 20 99 2019 3000 yes 1672
62 os3 O_S3_Anomaly oS3GenAnomaly Genetic anomaly ordinal / choice_select 0 10 99 2023 3000 yes 1673
63 os3 O_S3_Anomaly_other oS3GenAnomalyOther Genetic anomaly other text / text_field 9 2023 3000 yes 1674
64 os3 O_S3_Pre_Weight oS3PreWeight Weight at admission (in kg) decimal 1 30 99 2019 3000 yes 1675
65 os3 O_S3_Pre_Height oS3PreHeight Length at admission (in cm) decimal 10 150 999 2019 3000 yes 1676
66 os3 O_S3_Pre_Head_circ oS3PreHeadCirc Head circumference at admission (cm) decimal 5 80 99 2019 3000 yes 1678
67 os3 O_S3_Pre_None_feed oS3PreNoneFeed No feeding boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1728
68 os3 O_S3_Pre_Any_tube_feed oS3PreAnyTubeFeed Any tube feeding boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1729
69 os3 O_S3_Pre_Oral_feed oS3PreOralFeed Oral feeding boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1730
70 os3 O_S3_Pre_Parenteral_feed oS3PreParenteralFeed Parenteral feeding boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1731
71 os3 O_S3_Pre_Unknown_feed oS3PreUnknownFeed Unknown feeding boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1732
72 os3 O_S3_Pre_Seizure oS3PreSeizure Seizure boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 1733
73 os3 O_S3_Pre_Intubation oS3PreIntubation Intubation pre-operative boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 1734
74 os3 O_S3_Pre_Intubation_hours oS3PreIntubationHours Duration of intubation pre-operative (in hours) integer 0 900 999 2019 3000 yes 1735
75 os3 O_S3_Pre_Resp_support oS3PreRespSupport Respiratory support pre-operative boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 1736
76 os3 O_S3_Pre_Resp_support_hours oS3PreRespSupportHours Duration of respiratory support, pre-operative (in hours) integer 0 900 999 2019 3000 yes 1737
77 os3 O_S3_Pre_Med_none oS3PreMedNone Medications pre-operative: None boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1738
78 os3 O_S3_Pre_Med_inotrop oS3PreMedInotropics Medications pre-operative: Inotropics boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1739
79 os3 O_S3_Pre_Med_vasocon oS3PreMedVasocon Medications pre-operative: Vasoconstrictors boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1740
80 os3 O_S3_Pre_Med_asa oS3PreMedAsa Medications pre-operative: Aspirin boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1741
81 os3 O_S3_Pre_Med_ace oS3PreMedAce Medications pre-operative: ACE-Inhibitors boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1742
82 os3 O_S3_Surg_Surg_type_total_repair oS3SurgSurgTypeTotalRepair Cardiac surgery type: Total repair boolean 0 1 2019 2020 yes 1742
83 os3 O_S3_Pre_Med_diuretics oS3PreMedDiuretics Medications pre-operative: Diuretics boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1743
84 os3 O_S3_Pre_Med_bblock oS3PreMedBblock Medications pre-operative: beta-Blockers boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1744
85 os3 O_S3_Pre_Med_sildenafil oS3PreMedSildenafil Medications pre-operative: Sildenafil boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1745
86 os3 O_S3_Pre_Med_enoxaparin oS3PreMedEnoxaparin Medications pre-operative: Clexane boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1746
87 os3 O_S3_Pre_Med_unknown oS3PreMedUnknown Medications pre-operative: Unknown boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1747
88 os3 O_S3_Pre_Med_other oS3PreMedOther Medications pre-operative: Other boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1748
89 os3 O_S3_Pre_Med_other_specify oS3PreMedOtherSpecify Medications pre-operative: Others specify text / text_field 2019 3000 yes 1749
90 os3 O_S3_Pre_TcSo2 oS3PreTcSo2 Preductal tcSo2 at surgery (mean value) decimal 30 100 999 2019 3000 yes 1750
91 os3 O_S3_Pre_Haematocrit oS3PreHaematocrit Haematocrit (last before op) decimal 20 60 99 2019 3000 yes 1751
92 os3 O_S3_Pre_Nyha_class oS3PreNyhaClass NYHA classification integer 1 4 9 2019 3000 yes 1752
93 os3 O_S3_Pre_Resuscitation oS3PreResuscitation Resuscitation boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 1753
94 os3 O_S3_Surg_Date oS3SurgDate Date of surgery (if informed consent available) date 2019 3000 yes 1754
95 os3 O_S3_Surg_Age oS3SurgAge Age at surgery/cardiac catheterization (months) integer 0 2000 9999 2019 3000 yes 1755
96 os3 O_S3_Surg_Bypass oS3SurgBypass Cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass ordinal / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 1756
97 os3 O_S3_Surg_Surg_type_none oS3SurgSurgTypeNone Cardiac surgery type: None boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1757
98 os3 O_S3_Surg_Surg_type_tcpc oS3SurgSurgTypeTcpc Cardiac surgery type: TCPC boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1758
99 os3 O_S3_Surg_Surg_type_tcpc_fenestration oS3SurgSurgTypeTcpcFenestration Cardiac surgery type: TCPC fenestration boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1759
100 os3 O_S3_Surg_Surg_type_heart_trans oS3SurgSurgTypeHeartTrans Cardiac surgery type: Heart transplantation boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1760
101 os3 O_S3_Surg_Surg_type_other oS3SurgSurgTypeOther Cardiac surgery type: Other boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1761
102 os3 O_S3_Surg_Surg_type_other_specific oS3SurgSurgTypeOtherSpecific Cardiac surgery type: Other specific text / text_field 2019 3000 yes 1762
103 os3 O_S3_Surg_Rachs_score oS3SurgRachsScore RACHS score integer 0 6 99 2019 3000 yes 1763
104 os3 O_S3_Surg_Dhca_time oS3SurgDhcaTime Deep hypothermic cardiac arrest time (minutes) decimal 0 120 999 2019 2020 yes 1764
105 os3 O_S3_Post_Ecmo_days oS3PostEcmoDays ECMO duration (in days) integer 0 21 999 2019 2020 yes 1792
106 os3 O_S3_Surg_Cicu_discharge_date oS3SurgCicuDischargeDate CICU discharge date date 9 2019 3000 yes 1944
107 os3 O_S3_Surg_Cicu_discharge_day oS3SurgCicuDischargeDay CICU discharge day integer 1 2000 9999 2019 3000 yes 1945
108 os3 O_S3_Surg_Bypass_time oS3SurgBypassTime Cardiopulmonary bypass time (minutes) decimal 0 400 999 2019 3000 yes 1946
109 os3 O_S3_Errors oS3Errors integer 2019 3000 yes 1946
110 os3 O_S3_Surg_Cross_clamp_time oS3SurgCrossClampTime Aortic cross clamp time (minutes) decimal 0 990 300 2019 3000 yes 1947
111 os3 O_S3_Surg_Circ_arrest_time oS3SurgCircArrestTime Circulatory arrest time (minutes) decimal 0 120 999 2019 3000 yes 1948
112 os3 O_S3_Surg_Cereb_perf oS3SurgCerebPerf Antegrade cerebral perfusion boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 1949
113 os3 O_S3_Surg_Cereb_perf_time oS3SurgCerebPerfTime Antegrade cerebral perfusion (minutes) decimal 0 120 999 2019 3000 yes 1950
114 os3 O_S3_Surg_Low_temp_bypass oS3SurgLowTempBypass Lowest temperature on bypass (degree C) decimal 15 40 99 2019 3000 yes 1951
115 os3 O_S3_Surg_Ultrafiltration oS3SurgUltrafiltration Ultrafiltration during/after bypass surgery boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 1952
116 os3 O_S3_Post_Lactate oS3PostLactate Lactate mmol/l first 24 h (highest value first 24 h) decimal 0 30 99 2019 3000 yes 1953
117 os3 O_S3_Post_Redo oS3PostRedo Corrective or redo surgery of the previous surgery boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 1954
118 os3 O_S3_Post_Redo_hlm oS3PostRedoHlm Was a heart-lung machine used? boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 1955
119 os3 O_S3_Post_Redo_hlm_count oS3PostRedoHlmCount How many redo surgeries with a heart-lung machine were done? integer 0 20 99 2019 3000 yes 1956
120 os3 O_S3_Post_Redo_no_hlm oS3PostRedoNoHlm Redo surgery without heart-lung machines? boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 1957
121 os3 O_S3_Post_Redo_No_Hlm_Count oS3PostRedoNoHlmCount How many redo surgeries without a heart-lung machine were done? integer 0 20 99 2019 3000 yes 1958
122 os3 O_S3_Post_Hc oS3PostHc Heart catheter used until discharge boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 1959
123 os3 O_S3_Post_Hc_Count oS3PostHcCount How many times was a heart catheter used until discharge integer 0 30 99 2019 3000 yes 1960
124 os3 O_S3_Post_Resuscitation oS3PostResuscitation Resuscitation boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 1961
125 os3 O_S3_Post_Cpr_duration oS3PostCprDuration Duration CPR (minutes) decimal 0 990 999 2019 3000 yes 1962
126 os3 O_S3_Post_Ecmo oS3PostEcmo ECMO boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 1963
127 os3 O_S3_Post_Ecmo_hours oS3PostEcmoHours ECMO duration (in hours) integer 0 400 999 2019 3000 yes 1964
128 os3 O_S3_Post_Ecmo_Multiple oS3PostEcmoMultiple Multiple ECMO runs boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 1965
129 os3 O_S3_Post_Ecmo_type_vv oS3PostEcmoTypeVv Ecmo type VV boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1966
130 os3 O_S3_Post_Ecmo_type_va oS3PostEcmoTypeVa Ecmo type VA boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1967
131 os3 O_S3_Post_Ecmo_type_other oS3PostEcmoTypeOther Ecmo other type boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1968
132 os3 O_S3_Post_Ecmo_type_unknown oS3PostEcmoTypeUnknown Ecmo unknown type boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1969
133 os3 O_S3_Post_Ecmo_indic_cardiac oS3PostEcmoIndicCardiac Ecmo cardiac indication boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1970
134 os3 O_S3_Post_Ecmo_indic_resp oS3PostEcmoIndicResp Ecmo respiratory indication boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1971
135 os3 O_S3_Post_Ecmo_indic_eCpr oS3PostEcmoIndicEcpr Ecmo eCPR indication boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1972
136 os3 O_S3_Post_Ecmo_indic_unknown oS3PostEcmoIndicUnknown Ecmo unknown indication boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1973
137 os3 O_S3_Post_Ecmo_access oS3PostEcmoAccess ECMO Access ordinal / choice_radio 1 4 9 2019 3000 yes 1974
138 os3 O_S3_Post_Ecmo_time oS3PostEcmoTime ECMO Timepoint ordinal / choice_radio 1 3 9 2019 3000 yes 1975
139 os3 O_S3_Post_VAD oS3PostVad VAD boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2023 3000 yes 1976
140 os3 O_S3_Post_VAD_implantable oS3PostVadImplantable implantable VAD boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2023 3000 yes 1977
141 os3 O_S3_Post_VAD_extracorporeal oS3PostVadExtracorporeal extracorporeal VAD boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2023 3000 yes 1978
142 os3 O_S3_Post_VAD_type_LVAD oS3PostVadTypeLvad type LVAD boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2023 3000 yes 1979
143 os3 O_S3_Post_VAD_type_RVAD oS3PostVadTypeRvad type RVAD boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2023 3000 yes 1980
144 os3 O_S3_Post_VAD_type_biVAD oS3PostVadTypeBivad Type biVAD boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2023 3000 yes 1981
145 os3 O_S3_Post_VAD_name oS3PostVadName VAD device name text / text_field 2023 3000 yes 1982
146 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_none oS3PostMedNone Medications post-operative: None boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1983
147 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_epi oS3PostMedEpi Medications post-operative: Epinephrine boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1984
148 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_epi_hour oS3PostMedEpiHour Medications post-operative: Hours of epinephrine treatment integer 1 4000 9999 2019 3000 yes 1985
149 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_nore oS3PostMedNore Medications post-operative: Norepinephrine boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1986
150 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_nore_hour oS3PostMedNoreHour Medications post-operative: Hours of norepinephrine treatment integer 1 4000 9999 2019 3000 yes 1987
151 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_milr oS3PostMedMilr Medications post-operative: Milrinone boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1988
152 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_milr_hour oS3PostMedMilrHour Medications post-operative: Hours of milrinone treatment integer 1 4000 9999 2019 3000 yes 1989
153 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_dobu oS3PostMedDobu Medications post-operative: Dobutamine boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1990
154 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_dobu_hour oS3PostMedDobuHour Medications post-operative: Hours of dobutamine treatment integer 1 4000 9999 2019 3000 yes 1991
155 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_dopa oS3PostMedDopa Medications post-operative: Dopamine boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1992
156 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_dopa_hour oS3PostMedDopaHour Medications post-operative: Hours of dopamine treatment integer 1 4000 9999 2019 3000 yes 1993
157 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_levo oS3PostMedLevo Medications post-operative: Levosimendan boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1994
158 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_levo_hour oS3PostMedLevoHour Medications post-operative: Hours of levosimendan treatment integer 1 4000 9999 2019 3000 yes 1995
159 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_unknown oS3PostMedUnknown Medications post-operative: Unknown boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1996
160 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_other oS3PostMedOther Medications post-operative: Others boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 1997
161 os3 O_S3_Post_Med_other_specify oS3PostMedOtherSpecify Medications post-operative: Others specify text / text_field 2019 3000 yes 1998
162 os3 O_S3_Post_Arrhythmia oS3PostArrhythmia Arrythmia with circulatory compromise ordinal / choice_radio 0 4 9 2019 3000 yes 1999
163 os3 O_S3_Post_Arr_tachy_type oS3PostArrTachyType Type of tachycardia ordinal / choice_radio 0 2 9 2019 3000 yes 2000
164 os3 O_S3_Post_Arr_tachy_sup_type oS3PostArrTachySupType Type of supraventricular tachycardia ordinal / choice_radio 0 4 9 2019 3000 yes 2001
165 os3 O_S3_Post_Arr_tachy_sup_type_other oS3PostArrTachySupTypeOther Type of supraventricular tachycardia others text / text_field 2019 3000 yes 2002
166 os3 O_S3_Post_Sup_tachy_treat_none oS3PostSupTachyTreatNone Treatment of supraventricular tachycardia: None boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2003
167 os3 O_S3_Post_sup_tachy_treat_amio oS3PostSupTachyTreatAmio Treatment of supraventricular tachycardia: Amiodarone boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2004
168 os3 O_S3_Post_sup_tachy_treat_adeno oS3PostSupTachyTreatAdeno Treatment of supraventricular tachycardia: Adenosine boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2005
169 os3 O_S3_Post_sup_tachy_treat_bblock oS3PostSupTachyTreatBblock Treatment of supraventricular tachycardia: beta-Blocker boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2006
170 os3 O_S3_Post_sup_tachy_treat_vagman oS3PostSupTachyTreatVagman Treatment of supraventricular tachycardia: Vagal maneuver boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2007
171 os3 O_S3_Post_sup_tachy_treat_unknown oS3PostSupTachyTreatUnknown Treatment of supraventricular tachycardia: Unknown boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2008
172 os3 O_S3_Post_sup_tachy_treat_other oS3PostSupTachyTreatOther Treatment of supraventricular tachycardia: Other boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2009
173 os3 O_S3_Post_sup_tachy_treat_other_specfiy oS3PostSupTachyTreatOtherSpecify Treatment of supraventricular tachycardia: Other specific text / text_field 9 2019 3000 yes 2010
174 os3 O_S3_Post_Arr_tachy_vent_treat oS3PostArrTachyVentTreat Treatment of ventricular tachycardia text / text_field 2019 3000 yes 2011
175 os3 O_S3_Post_Arr_av_block oS3PostArrAvBlock AV-Block III° type ordinal / choice_radio 0 4 9 2019 3000 yes 2012
176 os3 O_S3_Post_Intubation_hours oS3PostIntubationHours Duration of intubation, postoperative integer 0 5000 9999 2019 3000 yes 2013
177 os3 O_S3_Post_Resp_support oS3PostRespSupport Respiratory support pre-operative boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 2014
178 os3 O_S3_Post_Resp_support_hours oS3PostRespSupportHours Duration of respiratory support (in hours), postoperative integer 0 5000 9999 2019 3000 yes 2015
179 os3 O_S3_Post_No oS3PostNo Nitric oxide boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 2016
180 os3 O_S3_Post_Oxy oS3PostOxy Oxygen boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 2017
181 os3 O_S3_Post_Creatinine oS3PostCreatinine Creatinine, µmol/l (highest value overall, postoperative) decimal 0 500 999 2019 3000 yes 2018
182 os3 O_S3_Post_Rrt oS3PostRrt Renal replacement therapy boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 2019
183 os3 O_S3_Post_Cx_none oS3PostCxNone Complications after surgery/interventions: None boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2020
184 os3 O_S3_Post_Cx_infec oS3PostCxInfec Complications after surgery/interventions: Confirmed infection boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2021
185 os3 O_S3_Post_Cx_wound oS3PostCxWound Complications after surgery/interventions: Wound infection boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2022
186 os3 O_S3_Post_Cx_diaph oS3PostCxDiaph Complications after surgery/interventions: Diaphragmatic paralysis boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2023
187 os3 O_S3_Post_Cx_chylo oS3PostCxChylo Complications after surgery/interventions: Chylothorax boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2024
188 os3 O_S3_Post_Cx_respi oS3PostCxRespi Complications after surgery/interventions: Respiratory boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2025
189 os3 O_S3_Post_Cx_nec oS3PostCxNec Complications after surgery/interventions: Cardiogenic NEC boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2026
190 os3 O_S3_Post_Cx_mof oS3PostCxMof Complications after surgery/interventions: Multi organ failure boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2027
191 os3 O_S3_Post_Cx_stroke oS3PostCxStroke Complications after surgery/interventions: Stroke boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2028
192 os3 O_S3_Post_Cx_seizure_clinical oS3PostCxSeizureClinical Complications after surgery/interventions: Clinical Seizures boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2029
193 os3 O_S3_Post_Cx_seizure_subclinical oS3PostCxSeizureSubclinical Complications after surgery/interventions: Subclinical seizures boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2030
194 os3 O_S3_Post_Cx_lco oS3PostCxLco Complications after surgery/interventions: Low cardiac output syndrome boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2031
195 os3 O_S3_Post_Cx_unknown oS3PostCxUnknown Unknown complications post surgery boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2032
196 os3 O_S3_Post_Cx_other oS3PostCxOther Complications after surgery/interventions: Other boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2033
197 os3 O_S3_Post_Cx_other_specifiy oS3PostCxOtherSpecify Complications after surgery/interventions: other specify text / text_field 2019 3000 yes 2034
198 os3 O_S3_Post_Death_30_days oS3PostDeath30Days Death within 30 days post OP boolean / choice_radio 0 1 9 2019 3000 yes 2035
199 os3 O_S3_Dis_Date oS3DisDate Date of discharge (if informed consent available) date 9 2019 3000 yes 2036
200 os3 O_S3_Dis_Day oS3DisDay Day of life at discharge (in days) integer 1 2000 9999 2019 3000 yes 2037
201 os3 O_S3_Dis_Icu_Days oS3DisIcuDays Duration of ICU stay until discharge (in days) integer 0 365 999 2019 3000 yes 2038
202 os3 O_S3_Dis_To oS3DisTo Where was the patitent discharged to? ordinal / choice_radio 0 2 9 2019 3000 yes 2039
203 os3 O_S3_Dis_Medication_None oS3DisMedicationNone Medication at discharge: none boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2040
204 os3 O_S3_Dis_Medication_Ace oS3DisMedicationAce Medication at discharge: ACE Inhibitor boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2041
205 os3 O_S3_Dis_Medication_Asa oS3DisMedicationAsa Medication at discharge: Aspirin boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2042
206 os3 O_S3_Dis_Medication_Bblock oS3DisMedicationBblock Medication at discharge: Beta-blocker boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2043
207 os3 O_S3_Dis_Medication_Digoxin oS3DisMedicationDigoxin Medications post-operative: Digoxin boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2044
208 os3 O_S3_Dis_Medication_Enoxaparin oS3DisMedicationEnoxaparin Medication at discharge: Enoxaparin-Natrium boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2045
209 os3 O_S3_Dis_Medication_Diuretics oS3DisMedicationDiuretics Medication at discharge: Diuretics boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2046
210 os3 O_S3_Dis_Medication_Sildenafil oS3DisMedicationSildenafil Medication at discharge: Sildenafil boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2047
211 os3 O_S3_Dis_Medication_Unknown oS3DisMedicationUnknown Medication at discharge: Unknown boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2048
212 os3 O_S3_Dis_Medication_Other oS3DisMedicationOther Medication at discharge: Other boolean 0 1 2019 3000 yes 2049
213 os3 O_S3_Dis_Medication_OtherSpecific oS3DisMedicationOtherSpecific Other medication at discharge text / text_field 2019 3000 yes 2050
214 os3 O_S3_Dis_Weight oS3DisWeight Weight at discharge (kg) decimal 1 60 99 2019 3000 yes 2051
215 os3 O_S3_Dis_Height oS3DisHeight Height at discharge (cm) decimal 1 200 999 2019 3000 yes 2052
216 os3 O_S3_Dis_Head_circ oS3DisHeadCirc Head circumference at discharge (cm) decimal 1 80 99 2019 3000 yes 2053
217 os3 O_S3_Dis_TcSO2 oS3DisTcSO2 tcO2 at discharge (%) decimal 30 100 999 2019 3000 yes 2054
218 os3 O_S3_Dis_TubeFeeding oS3DisTubeFeed Tube feeding at discharge ordinal / choice_radio 0 2 9 2019 3000 yes 2055
219 os3 O_S3_Error_report oS3ErrorReport text / text_area 2019 3000 yes 2056
220 os3 O_S3_DS_lockdate oS3DsLockdate date 3000 no
221 os3 O_S3_Errorlist_ignore oS3ErrorlistIgnore ordinal / choice_radio 3000 no