See all patient items

patient Informed consent given

  • 1 = SwissNeoNet informed consent or Hospital GC with UNENCRYPTED data transfer: date of birth can be collected
  • 2 = Patient informed but IC not received: if there is no informed consent available but parents have been informed that data will be collected for research and they did not object, the hospital can send data with its own patient or case number as identifier.
  • 3 = Anonymized data transfer (request for IC not possible due to early death): if parents neither signed the informed consent form nor were previously informed, or if they reject data collection (veto), data must be entered completely anonymized. Please make sure that this option is not used due to lack of administrative effort because such data cannot be corrected, changed or tested for duplicate entries at a later date because there is no means of identification and data cannot be used for research if it would have been possible to obtain consent!
  • 4 = Hospital General Consent with ENCRYPTED data transfer. In such a case, patient data can be sent to SwissNeoNet encrypted using patient or case number.
  • 5 = Child born prior to Human Research Act, i.e. < 2015 (prospective data collection stopped)
  • 6 = Informed consent status unknown at follow-up (stalled option - status must be known at data entry) See Forms for more details on informed consent
Names (SQL, Symfony)
P_Informed_consent, pInformedConsent
Type / Form Type
ordinal / choice_radio
Min. value
Max. value
Year started
Year ended
Example value
Form label
Parental consent
Value encoding
Value Meaning
4 Hospital General Consent with ENCRYPTED data transfer
1 SwissNeoNet informed consent or Hospital GC with UNENCRYPTED data transfer
2 Patient informed but IC not received
3 Anonymized data transfer (see definition)