(Not required when child died)
If child will receive a follow up examination by specialized a developmental pediatrician, please specify the center (e.g., "1 Lausanne CHUV")
1 Lausanne CHUV
2 Geneva HUG
3 Berne Insel
4 Basel UKBB
5 Aarau Kinderklinik
6 Lucerne KISPI
7 Chur Kinderklinik
8 Zuich KISPI
9 St. Gallen KISPI
10 Ticino
11 Muensterlingen
12 Winterthur
13 Fribourg
14 Bienne
15 Neuchatel
16 Solothurn
17 Baden
else specify follow-up using one of the codes below:
90 other
91 private pediatrician
92 child has moved
93 parents refuse
94 non-Swiss resident
95 child died
96 fu omitted
97 fu stopped
98 record outdated
99 unknown loss to FU